Topic: Vision
Weaving Community in a Time of Unraveling
Our spiritual theme this year is “Join the Journey” and the topic for the month of March is “Vision.” In our congregation, we hold a vision of weaving the fabric … Continue reading Weaving Community in a Time of Unraveling
Ministry Behind Enemy Lines
Ministry in a conservative, red, Christian Nationalist State often feels like a constant battle for a vision of the world that holds love at the center; protecting the rights and … Continue reading Ministry Behind Enemy Lines
What’s Out There?
I have felt a presence that disturbs me with the joy of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime of something far more deeply interfused, Whose dwelling is the light of … Continue reading What’s Out There?
Music & Worship: “Women of Vision”
Come join the UU Women’s Choir as they celebrate visionary women past and present. Special features include “In Your Hands,” by Abbie Betinis; a spoken and sung narrative of Eleanor Roosevelt’s … Continue reading Music & Worship: “Women of Vision”
Strong Back, Soft Front
“Does Justin Trudeau Apologize Too Much?” That was the headline in my news feed one day back in March. This BBC article went on to point out that the … Continue reading Strong Back, Soft Front
A Vision in Formation
The recognition of our graduating seniors earlier in the service is a reminder of the season we’re in. For the students it is recognizing a very important rite of … Continue reading A Vision in Formation