Topic: Transition

From Liberal to Liberation

As we work to dismantle the culture of white supremacy in all of its forms, some of our theological understandings may need inspection as well. Rev. Sinkford will join Rev. Sofia Betancourt, our speaker for Seminary for a Day, to explore needed shifts in our … read more.

A Renaissance of Human Connection

This weekend we set aside time as a nation to honor the life and work of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tomorrow there will be gatherings and speeches, marches and remembering Dr. King and his work for justice. Long before we … read more.

Finding Our Way in the Desert

A couple weeks ago I heard the news that a grocery store in my neighborhood was closing. But it was not going to be until early February and so I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention. Plenty of time later to deal with it. … read more.

Expect Chaos

“Change alone is unchanging.” That is wisdom from the ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus.

Change alone is unchanging. In the words of our anthem by Ysaye Barnwell:

Cain’t no one know at sunrise, how this day is gonna end.”

We know that change is inevitable…always taking place within … read more.