Topic: Threshold

Preacher Fold Your Bible

The Music Ministry offers thanks and good wishes to Rev. Bill Sinkford in this final Music and Worship service of his tenure through singing God’s Trombones – a work of music that underscores text from James Weldon Johnson’s 1927 book, God’s Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in … read more.

Holding the Door Open

We are moving across a threshold together and ushering in the beginning of a new shared ministry. What are the possibilities before us as we embark on this journey? May it be a partnership that is grounded in covenant and guided by love.

Called to Co-Create

Our communities were already in need of healing even before the pandemic arrived. May the challenges we have experienced, re-awaken us to the call to be courageous, creative, and compassionate builders of the beloved community.

Rev. Alison Miller is First Unitarian Portland’s Senior Minister Candidate. 

Mother’s Day for Peace

As a UU history nerd, I have always wanted to preach about Mother’s Day. Did you know, it’s one of those pieces of American history that came out of our religious heritage? And further, it has a more radical history than the Hallmark version of … read more.


Threshold is our spiritual theme for this new month of May. Threshold.

We cross over thresholds all the time. Those of us here in person did to get into this building this morning. If we came in through the Main Street doors we stepped up and … read more.