Topic: Radical Hospitality & Welcome

Though You’ve Broken Your Vows


Though you’ve broken your
vows a thousand times.

Though you’ve broken your
vows a thousand times.

That base line repeats
over and over, insisting that the invitation extended by the melody…Come, come,
whoever you are…

Insisting that you don’t
have to be perfect. Come.

But even saying that you
don’t have to be perfect doesn’t … read more.

All Are Welcome! Hmm…Really?

Unitarian Universalism claims to WELCOME ALL to our congregations and communities. We say that we embrace, engage and WELCOME ALL genders, races, sexualities, classes, ethnicities, skin-tones, shapes and sizes – regardless of class or education. We loudly proclaim that we can/will/do, “…take in the world in all its complexity … read more.

A World of Difference

“First Unitarian Church is
a beacon of hope for us and for our community, a spiritual center in the heart
of our city that helps each of us find our moral compass, calling and
challenging us to build the beloved community with an ever deepening sense of
spirit, diversity … read more.

‘Ins’ and ‘Outs’

“Come, Come, whoever you are:

Wanderer, wonderer,
worshipper, infidel…come. …

Open your hands, if you want
to be held. …

Open your soul if you want to
be filled.

Ours is a portal of hope.”

The Sufi mystic Rumi calls out
an invitation and a welcome…regardless of who you are or where you are … read more.

Summer Dreams

Not happy with the future the soothsayers predict for us?  Let’s dream the one we want into existence. What does it look like and how will we make it real?