Topic: Perseverance

The End of the World as We Know It

So friends, I have a confession to
make.  I cannot preach to you this
morning the sermon that I had intended to. 
The sermon printed in your bulletin. 
The one that Bill and I have discussed now for many months; the one I
had packed neatly in my suitcase when … read more.

Keep On Moving Forward

weekend we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr. He would have turned 91
years old were he still alive. And imagining what King would have to say in the
age of Trump we can only guess. Just what would he have to say about the
divisions … read more.

Unabandoned by Grace

Throughout history and up until this very moment, life has been characterized, at least in part, by suffering. What has kept people going through these hard times? What grounding can we, as UUs, rest upon to move forward together?

(readings: excerpt of Nehemiah 9:28-37; “Love … read more.

Long Haul People



anchor in the promised land.

It takes
a long pull… You have to persevere…to get there…

fulfill responsibilities in our personal lives and to live out our commitments
to love and justice in the world…

We need
to be long haul people.

is our spiritual theme as we begin this … read more.