Topic: Love

When Love Speaks in Public

Justice is what love looks like when it speaks in public. 

Justice is what love looks like in public. 

It was ten years ago, 2011, and Dr. Cornell West was preaching in the Rankin Chapel on the Howard University campus. His visit had been well publicized and … read more.

Love as a Spiritual Practice

“Let your light shine.”

Last week, Reverend Bill called us to be aware–sometimes even wary–of the lenses we wear that add another filter between us and that light, impacting how we meet it. That light, that sacred spark, that Spirit of Love that shines on all … read more.

The Greatest of These

Let it rain. Let the love pour down. Open the floodgates of heaven. 

Is that the way it works? Is the love always there? Ready to pour down? On all of us? The good people and the people we see as evil? On all of us? … read more.

Beginning Again in Love

Call to worship
Words of Reinhold Neibuhr:
Nothing worth doing in completed in our lifetime, therefore we are saved by hope.

Nothing true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history, therefore we are saved by faith.

Nothing we do, however virtuous, … read more.

Whoever You Are (Homecoming)


Come, come whoever you are.

There is no more Universalist message. And no more Unitarian Universalist statement of aspiration.

Whoever you are, whatever identities you claim…come.

Bring your imperfections and your failures. Bring your strengths and your dreams for a better world.

Ours is no caravan of despair. Come. … read more.

Barriers to Love

Have you picked blackberries? Those sweet late summer fruits “hidden beneath leaves barbed like critics.” Sweetness that is guarded and protected. “Peril and abundance” whispered like a prayer through purple lips…

If you want the ripest fruit, you must reach in, despite those barbs. You must … read more.