Topic: Identity

Personal Spiritual Identities

Hello.  I am excited to be here this morning with you. I look forward to meeting many of you virtually over the upcoming year with activities that I will be leading and hope you can join me in these contemplations on spirituality.

As Unitarian Universalists, there … read more.

Imagining Our Future

At the forefront of movements for social justice today is a generation of young people, who are courageously calling out for change. Youth leaders in our congregations and in our world challenge us to imagine a tomorrow that is more equitable and just than the … read more.

Self In Relation to the Whole

Our spiritual theme this month is identity. So what are the identities that first come to mind for you? Some of the roles you have? Spouse, parent, child? Grandparent, grandchild, friend? Retiree, teacher, worker, manager? Or maybe it is identity of race or gender or … read more.