Holy, Gratuitous Beauty
The writer Annie Dillard tells us that beauty is a kind of grace, wholly unmerited, and the least we can do is try to be there to witness it. How … Continue reading Holy, Gratuitous Beauty
The writer Annie Dillard tells us that beauty is a kind of grace, wholly unmerited, and the least we can do is try to be there to witness it. How … Continue reading Holy, Gratuitous Beauty
The music from Duke Ellington’s Concert of Sacred Music invites us to reflect on the divine presence, both as it exists now and as it has from the beginning. It … Continue reading Freedom…The Sacred Music of Duke Ellington
This service will explore the ways all of us must learn to create, give birth, co-parent, and let go
Time for All Ages Grace is a quality that marks our lives in both extraordinary and ordinary ways. If we are mindful, we may notice that unbidden blessings abound every … Continue reading Ordinary Grace