Topic: Forgiveness

At One

Call to Worship

We began this service with the sound of the shofar, which marks the coming of the holiest day of the year in the Jewish tradition, Yom Kippur, which begins at sundown this evening.

In the Jewish tradition, the High Holy Days begin first with … read more.

To Forgive and Remember

Shall we gather at the river of forgiveness?

Where the healing waters flow

Come together at the waters of love…

The river of forgiveness.

With the world, literally, on fire around us, and the virus still uncontained…with the fires of racism still burning…with democracy in our nation in danger … read more.

Through the Generations

This is a world we have never seen before. So much is so hard. And, generations before us also journeyed through unimaginably difficult times. What wisdom do these elders and ancestors–spiritual and biological–have for us, and in this moment? How does their wisdom call us … read more.