Topic: Endings and Beginnings

General Assembly Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (NO SANCTUARY SERVICE)

Rev. Gretchen Haley

The last few years have not been easy, including in our local congregations. Whole swaths of members have simply stopped coming; COVID is confusing, and polarizing; many ministers have joined the great resignation; and Pew studies and friends alike have pronounced the end … read more.

Letting Go and Sending Forth

As we celebrate the exceptional ministry of the Rev. Bill Sinkford and send him forth in love, we remember the joys and sorrows of letting go and the things that remain true and guide us through transitions in our lives and communities.

Rev. Dr. Frederick-Gray is … read more.

One Last Thing, Before I Go (Community Sunday)

“Wherever there is a meeting that summons us to our better selves, 

Wherever our lostness is found, 

Our fragments are reunited, 

Our wounds begin healing, 

Our spines stiffen 

And our muscles grow strong for the task… 

There is ministry.” 

We do not know who wrote those words but I have gone back … read more.

Beginnings and Endings

What a blessing it was to have some of our graduating seniors up front this morning. What a blessing it was to be in this space, in person, and have members of the congregation bless them and send them forth into their next chapter.

Like so … read more.