Topic: Death

Dying Well

Of all the spiritual themes we have explored
through the years, the theme of death has gotten more response than any
other—by far. And that probably isn’t a surprise when you think about it.

Death, after all, is one of those subjects most
of us learn early on … read more.

Building a New Way

Building a New

Sunday, November 17, 9:15 AM & 11:15
AM Rev. Bill

Story for All Ages: Inspired by the story, No Less a Miracle, by
Rev. Barbara Fast

Some of you know the story I want to share. It is about how
Jesus fed thousands of people with just a … read more.

Everyday Death

There is a Bhutanese saying, “To be a happy person, one must contemplate death five times every day.” In our culture that sometimes seems allergic to death, how might a practice like this benefit us? How might it prepare us not only for a happy … read more.

In Memory

“What do people fear most
about death?” Mitch Albom asks his former professor, now old and moving toward
death, in his book, Tuesdays with Morrie.

What do people fear most
about death?

‘Fear?’ the old man
thought for a moment. ‘Well, for one thing, what happens next? Where do we go?
Is … read more.