Topic: Community

Community Rules


I invite you to come with me on a journey.

We are together in the dessert. The shifting sands and dry winds find every piece of earth, every piece of our exposed skin. We can feel the sting of the whipping sand in our eyes. The … read more.

The Place Just Right

I have to say that I’m really looking forward to summer this year. It will arrive at 9:24 pm this Tuesday to be exact… but who’s counting. After the winter we have had—yes, I know that a lot of folks in a lot of places … read more.

Searching and Finding


I love our reading this morning… Wanting “everyone to feel included in her prayer, she said several names for the Holy.”

You’ve heard me do it: “Spirit of Life and of Love. Great Mystery at the Heart of Things. Dear God.”

It is emblematic of our faith…we … read more.

The Shadow Knows


America in the 1930’s saw the creation of the father of the superheroes we know today. Some of you may recall listening to an old radio show that began with heavy music,
then ominous-sounding laughter,
and then these words: “Who knows what evil lurks in … read more.