Topic: Community

Sacred “Space”

As we kick off our summer theme of “Rest, Reflect, Renew,” we will spend some time exploring how we can resist our culture’s emphasis on urgency and productivity in order to create more spaciousness in our lives. How can we make room for rest, play, … read more.

Finding Out We Are Free

On this Juneteenth, we’ll explore what it means to be free–or not. If our freedom something that is given to us or something we claim?

Garden of Faith

Welcome to our annual multigenerational Flower Ceremony, where we proclaim what it means and what it takes to build our beloved community. This year, we will also honor the transition of our high school seniors to young adulthood in a Bridging Ritual. Come one, Come … read more.

Harmony and Discord

Our overarching spiritual theme of the year, “Love is at the Center,” ends with a focus on community this month. It is a season of war and humanitarian crises in Ukraine and Gaza. We have a polarizing US presidential election on the horizon. The UUA … read more.

Summer Space


This being the first Sunday of summer and all it seemed like a sermon on summer spaciousness was appropriate. After all, isn’t that what summer is about? Out of our usual routines, out of our ruts, time for a anew perspective, time to get away … read more.

Revolutionary Roots


June is officially designated Pride month, celebrating Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender people. Many, myself included, expand Pride to encompass folx from a variety of sexual orientations and gender identities, not limiting the rainbow to these four.

Pride is a time for people from various communities … read more.

It Depends


Let my love be heard whispering in your angel wings.
As grief once more mounts to heaven and sings…

Let my love be heard.

Knowing the truth of grief and loss…
Achingly aware of disappointment in ourselves
And in our world,
And yearning for a certainty that … read more.