Topic: Calling

Annual Youth Service

This is an annual tradition at First Unitarian–a service led by our youth program. The service will include their musical gifts and insightful readings. It’s a wonderful opportunity to uplift what our church nurtures in young people. 


Although we invest in space travel, we are bound to Mother Earth. How fares the spirit of our relationship to the home, which gives us birth?

Forward Through the Ages

Earlier in the service Rev. Alison shared words of Thomas Lamb Eliot, the first minister of this congregation, as he asks the question of why it is we go to church?

Eliot first references the ocean salt breeze or seeing the sunlight on Mt. Hood, and … read more.

Coming Out and Into Ourselves

This coming Wednesday will be the beginning of Passover, when Jews around the world come together for the Seder meal to remember and reflect on the story of the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. And at that Seder table, one of … read more.