Topic: Birth

For a New Beginning

Call to Worship

I am running into a new year
and the old years blow back
like a wind
that I catch in my hair
like strong fingers like
all my old promises and
it will be hard to let go
of what I said … read more.

Christmas Eve services

‘Each night a child is born is a holy night.’ On this night when we light candles against the dark, we come together to affirm that each child born can be a redeemer and that all of us can be redeemed.

Christmas Pageant

All are warmly welcomed at this wonderful and joyous service put on by the children of our congregation.  Originally presented in 1924 in honor of the first Christmas in our then-new church on the corner of SW 12th Ave. and Salmon, this pageant in its … read more.

Winter Solstice Service

Winter Solstice is a time of darkness moving toward light. What can we learn from this time of rest, renewal, and looking forward? Join us for this special annual service.

The Master’s Tools

The child, sleeping in the
night, will bring us goodness and light.

Rejoice! Goodness and
light…hope…is on the way.


In the Christian calendar, we
have reached the mid-point of Advent, the season that points toward the coming
of hope.

This middle Sunday is called Gaudette Sunday. Gaudette means Rejoice. Rejoice, because hope … read more.

Waiting for New Life

Did you have a good
Thanksgiving? Yes? Most of you?

I hope you all found a
welcome table. I hope you all were also able to get to gratitude…at least a
little…and to give thanks.

Our world moves so fast.
Already the dominant culture has moved us through the shopping extravaganza … read more.