Topic: Ancestry


The orientation of time and place, who we came from and where we are, can provide a needed sense of belonging in this chaotic and uprooted world.

Rev. Bert is Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver, Wash.

The View from the Mountain Top

Looking back. Looking forward.
Ancestry asks us to take that view from the mountain top that sees not only where
we’ve come from but also where we are going… a vantage point that can hold both
memory and hope.

Nelson Mandela wrote:

“…I have discovered the secret that
after climbing a … read more.


 The orientation of time and place, who we came from and where we are, can provide a needed sense of belonging in this chaotic and uprooted world.

Rev. Bert is minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver, WA.

Feet of Clay

One of the privileges I have as a minister is officiating at
memorial services. “That must be so hard,” people sometimes say to me. And yes,
sometimes it is hard, especially when the circumstances of any given death are
particularly difficult. But mostly there’s a tremendous sense of … read more.

Wells We Did Not Dig

“We are our grandmother’s

We are our grandfather’s

(Singing) We are the
breath of our ancestors…”

The breath of our
ancestors…is that who we are?

Is our living just the
continuation of their story? Just the next chapter?  A story in which we will…all of us…at some
point become ancestors ourselves, and pass … read more.