Sunday, March 11, 2018

Monthly Theme: Evil
Sermon Topic: Deliver Us To Evil
Choir: Unitarian Choir


Lamentations of Jeremiah
Music: Z. Randall Stroope
Text: Traditional

O vos omnes,
qui transities per viam
attendite et videte
si est dolor,
sicut dolor meus.

Recordare Domine
intuere et respice
opprobrium nostrum.


O you people,
who pass this way,
look and see
if there exists any sorrow,
like unto my sorrow.

Remember, Lord
consider and notice
our humiliation and disgrace!


“Halt unsre Sünde uns nicht vor” from Prayers of Kierkegaard
Music: Samuel Barber
Text: Søren Kierkegaard

Halt unsre Sünde uns nicht vor,
Nein, halt uns aufrecht vor der Sünde,
so dass wir nicht durch Dich erinnert werden,
woran wir uns varschuldet,
Nur an was Du uns verziehen.
Nicht wie wir uns verirrt,
Nur wie Du uns gefunden!


Hold not our sins up against us
But hold us up against our sins,
So that the thought of You should not remind us
Of what we have committed
But of what You did forgive;
Not of how we went astray,
But of how You did save us!