Summer is a Time of Renewal

Occasionally, we’ll get a phone call or an email asking if we’re open in the summer. Yes, not only are we open every Sunday in the year, but the summer is also a special time for the work of reflection, percolating, and imagination.

I think the idea of closing comes from a historic custom amongst some Unitarian Universalist congregations who did take a break from services in July and August. These UU churches followed the academic calendar closely. However, we forget that even as there may have been lulls in the schedule at some churches, other Unitarian Universalist congregations experienced a big boost in the summer months as people traveled to the coast or some other favored summery destination.

Today, more and more of our churches are year-round, and while summer may include a break or a lighter pace, there is a lot that happens. This summer is no exception.

As August draws to a close, I am excited to give you a glimpse of some of our summer reflections and what has been percolating behind the scenes as well as out in front as we orient towards a new church year.

The ministers and staff are imagining the year ahead, which will be anchored by the annual spiritual theme of “Join the Journey!” Each month we will delve into different topics that help to ground and lift our minds, hearts, and spirits through worship and programming for all ages. You can look forward to September’s kick-off of the theme beginning on September 8th in our multigenerational worship at 10:15am. (Pancake Breakfast starts at 9:00am!) Then, we will engage with the topics of Trust (Oct), Story (Nov), Mystery (Dec), Threshold (Jan), Grief (Feb), Vision (Mar), Liberation (Apr), Belonging (May), Blessing (Jun), Adventure (Jul), and Return (Aug).

The Music Transition Team is beginning interviews with potential candidates for our Acting/Interim Music Director, and look forward to welcoming someone into that role. We also look forward to engaging the whole congregation as we renew and rebuild the musical traditions that are working well for us, and as we listen for and experiment with some new musical traditions that feel compelling for the future.

The Board of Trustees and Executive Team are reflecting on how we are implementing policy-based governance. We initiated some conversations around the need for this in my first year here but got delayed by the need to address the pressing conflicts. We are returning this summer to these important conversations about how to enhance connection, communication, collaboration, and the engagement of more people across the congregation.

The Learning Community is planning for a multi-age exploration of our monthly themes (usually) on the first Sunday of the month in worship followed by an exciting new STEM focused Create and Explore program based on our UU values for 1st through 6th grades. You can see more and register here: 

The Listening Circles are underway, which is the next step in our effort to create healing spaces in our community, where we can listen, share, and grow in our insights and understanding of the challenges and opportunities before us.

These are some of the highlights of what’s happening and in the works as we begin a new year together. Instead of simply a break, summer could be described as a time of a breaking open and bringing forth of the new.

In faith,

Rev. Alison