Rev. Alison Miller

Rev. Alison Miller
Senior Minister


A lifelong UU, Rev. Alison grew up in a large congregation and served internships, summer ministries, and assistant ministries in large churches in NYC and Tulsa. She graduated from Bryn Mawr College with an A.B. in French Language and Civilization and from Harvard Divinity School with a Master of Divinity. She was called to First Unitarian in May 2022 by over 99% of votes, arrived in August 2022, and celebrated her installation as Senior Minister on April 16, 2023.

She leads with a strong combination of skills in homiletics and preaching, stewardship, and interfaith and community organizing work for social justice and equity. Prior to her installment at First Unitarian, Rev. Alison served in Morristown, New Jersey, for 17 years and was a leader in the Morris Area Interfaith Clergy Council. Her liturgical topics are inspired by the big issues of our time, world religions, holidays, history, theology, spiritual practices, UU identity, the sciences, and the arts.

Outside of the church, she enjoys hiking, going on road trips, and exploring new places with her husband, David, and her son, Asher. Over the years, they have had a menagerie of rescue animals and pets.

To make an appointment with Rev. Alison, sign up through her Calendly.
