Speaker: Rev. Thomas Disrud

Dying Well

Of all the spiritual themes we have explored
through the years, the theme of death has gotten more response than any
other—by far. And that probably isn’t a surprise when you think about it.

Death, after all, is one of those subjects most
of us learn early on … read more.

Counting Our Commitments

Call to worship

This week marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of
poet Walt Whitman. Our call to worship this morning are his words:

is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun

and the animals, despise riches, give alms to

one that asks, stand up for the … read more.

Finding Our Way in the Desert

A couple weeks ago I heard the news that a grocery store in my neighborhood was closing. But it was not going to be until early February and so I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention. Plenty of time later to deal with it. … read more.

Getting to Thanks


From the book of Psalms:
Thus have you prepared the land,
Drenching its furrows,
Breaking up its clods, softening it with showers,
Blessing its yield.
You have crowned the year with your bounty
And with abundant harvest.
The allow meadows overflow,
The alleys are blanketed … read more.

Saying Yes

what i want is to be blessed
what i want is a cloak of air

the light entering my lungs
my love entering my body
the blessing descending
like the sky
sliding down the spectrum

what i want is to be
aware of the spaces between stars, … read more.

Power and Privilege


Our spiritual theme this month has been democracy. And when you get a few layers underneath democracy you quickly come to the theme of power. Democracy is, after all, a form of governance that attempts to create an orderly way to share power among some … read more.

Summer Space


This being the first Sunday of summer and all it seemed like a sermon on summer spaciousness was appropriate. After all, isn’t that what summer is about? Out of our usual routines, out of our ruts, time for a anew perspective, time to get away … read more.

A Vision in Formation


The recognition of our graduating seniors earlier in the service is a reminder of the season we’re in. For the students it is recognizing a very important rite of passage, from one chapter to another. And those passages involve parents and teachers and siblings as … read more.

Proud and Humble


When a preacher takes on topics like humility and pride, it is important to do so with a good deal of care.

I think back to a time circa 1978 when I was a sophomore or junior in high school. It was the custom back then … read more.