Speaker: Rev. Thomas Disrud

Finding Out We Are Free

On this Juneteenth, we’ll explore what it means to be free–or not. If our freedom something that is given to us or something we claim?

Learning to Tell a New Story

Time for All Ages

The French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville came to America when it was young and articulated an ideal of individualism as central to our story. How is that still our story, and how might that story need to become wider in this age … read more.

Being Thankful in Troubled Times

Getting to a place of gratitude when the world is so troubled can be a big spiritual challenge. But what if every prayer were to begin with gratitude? What is that might be one of the most elemental—and important—spiritual practices.

Abide with Us

We mark All Souls Day this Sunday with our annual litany, remembering those who have died in our community and the larger world in the past year. Our Radiance Choir will offer Requiem in D Minor by Anton Bruckner.

The Work of Creation

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, commemorates the creation of the world, offering a new beginning, new hope. What is our call at this time of new beginning?

On the Journey Together

(Time for All Ages)

The church is in constant reformation, with people coming and people going. What is the church that is emerging at this moment in history?

Pride: Now More Than Ever

(Time for All Ages)

I remember some years back wondering when the time would come when pride parades were no longer needed. I was naïve. On this Pride Sunday in Portland, we witness how some of the most vulnerable among us—particularly our trans siblings—are under assault … read more.

Coming Out and Into Ourselves

This coming Wednesday will be the beginning of Passover, when Jews around the world come together for the Seder meal to remember and reflect on the story of the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. And at that Seder table, one of … read more.