Speaker: Rev. Bill Sinkford

Christmas Eve services

‘Each night a child is born is a holy night.’ On this night when we light candles against the dark, we come together to affirm that each child born can be a redeemer and that all of us can be redeemed.

Winter Solstice Service

Winter Solstice is a time of darkness moving toward light. What can we learn from this time of rest, renewal, and looking forward? Join us for this special annual service.

The Master’s Tools

The child, sleeping in the
night, will bring us goodness and light.

Rejoice! Goodness and
light…hope…is on the way.


In the Christian calendar, we
have reached the mid-point of Advent, the season that points toward the coming
of hope.

This middle Sunday is called Gaudette Sunday. Gaudette means Rejoice. Rejoice, because hope … read more.

Waiting for New Life

Did you have a good
Thanksgiving? Yes? Most of you?

I hope you all found a
welcome table. I hope you all were also able to get to gratitude…at least a
little…and to give thanks.

Our world moves so fast.
Already the dominant culture has moved us through the shopping extravaganza … read more.

Building a New Way

Building a New

Sunday, November 17, 9:15 AM & 11:15
AM Rev. Bill

Story for All Ages: Inspired by the story, No Less a Miracle, by
Rev. Barbara Fast

Some of you know the story I want to share. It is about how
Jesus fed thousands of people with just a … read more.

In Memory

“What do people fear most
about death?” Mitch Albom asks his former professor, now old and moving toward
death, in his book, Tuesdays with Morrie.

What do people fear most
about death?

‘Fear?’ the old man
thought for a moment. ‘Well, for one thing, what happens next? Where do we go?
Is … read more.

The Courage of Our Convictions

We’ll build a land where we
bind up the broken

We’ll build a land where the
captives go free

Where the oil of gladness dissolves
all mourning

Oh, we’ll build a promised
land that can be.

Those forward-looking,
optimistic lyrics and the positive, upbeat melody in that major key…

It is a message of confident
progress … read more.

Though You’ve Broken Your Vows


Though you’ve broken your
vows a thousand times.

Though you’ve broken your
vows a thousand times.

That base line repeats
over and over, insisting that the invitation extended by the melody…Come, come,
whoever you are…

Insisting that you don’t
have to be perfect. Come.

But even saying that you
don’t have to be perfect doesn’t … read more.

A World of Difference

“First Unitarian Church is
a beacon of hope for us and for our community, a spiritual center in the heart
of our city that helps each of us find our moral compass, calling and
challenging us to build the beloved community with an ever deepening sense of
spirit, diversity … read more.

‘Ins’ and ‘Outs’

“Come, Come, whoever you are:

Wanderer, wonderer,
worshipper, infidel…come. …

Open your hands, if you want
to be held. …

Open your soul if you want to
be filled.

Ours is a portal of hope.”

The Sufi mystic Rumi calls out
an invitation and a welcome…regardless of who you are or where you are … read more.