Speaker: Rev. Bill Sinkford

Roots and Wings

Rev. Bill will be joined by three mothers who will offer their personal stories of the complex and challenging and beautiful experience of motherhood. We will celebrate mothers (and all who parent) with gratitude, on a day which is so much more complicated that those Hallmark … read more.

Prayers for the Earth and Her People

Homily: Prayers for the Earth and Her People

“To be a human being is an honor” Chief Jake Swamp spoke the traditional Haudenosaunee morning prayer. “We offer thanks for all the gifts of life.”

That prayer begins and ends with gratitude.

To be a human being is an … read more.

Allow Yourself to Rise

“And he shall reign forever and ever and ever. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.”

You know, the theology…and the gender message…the hierarchy… they are problematic for most of us from start to finish…King of Kings and Lord of Lords…???

Good Lord…as my grandmother used to say…

I disagree with so much … read more.

A Rebirth of Wonder

“All you can do is to walk into Jerusalem, with the Hosannas ringing in your ears, and the palms coming at you in every direction…”

The words of our reading remind us, in the midst of our self-isolating…in the midst of our fears…in the midst of … read more.

Mama’s Last Hug

James Baldwin wrote:

“If you can’t love anybody, you’re dangerous. You have no way of
learning humility, no way of learning that other people suffer…”

If you can’t love anybody, you’re dangerous.

“One month before Mama
turned 59 and two-months before Jan van Hooff’s eightieth birthday, these two
elderly hominids … read more.

Masters of the Universe

“…humble never really
registered for me,” wrote Brian Doyle in our reading. It never really
registered “because I was not
humble, and had no real concept of humble…” Humility was something that he had
to learn…that he had to be taught by the living of life with his spouse and
children … read more.

The View from the Mountain Top

Looking back. Looking forward.
Ancestry asks us to take that view from the mountain top that sees not only where
we’ve come from but also where we are going… a vantage point that can hold both
memory and hope.

Nelson Mandela wrote:

“…I have discovered the secret that
after climbing a … read more.

Wells We Did Not Dig

“We are our grandmother’s

We are our grandfather’s

(Singing) We are the
breath of our ancestors…”

The breath of our
ancestors…is that who we are?

Is our living just the
continuation of their story? Just the next chapter?  A story in which we will…all of us…at some
point become ancestors ourselves, and pass … read more.

Long Haul People



anchor in the promised land.

It takes
a long pull… You have to persevere…to get there…

fulfill responsibilities in our personal lives and to live out our commitments
to love and justice in the world…

We need
to be long haul people.

is our spiritual theme as we begin this … read more.