Speaker: Rev. Bill Sinkford

Winners and Losers



As part of my own preparation for this Sunday, I read all of the things that you all wrote about First Unitarian on those “steeples” that are decorating this sanctuary.

So many spoke to me.

“We are such an important beacon of tolerance and pluralism.”

“It gives a … read more.

Now More Than Ever


A few years ago, the New Yorker magazine reprinted a notice they found from a small newpaper in Virginia.

“IMPORTANT NOTICE,” it read in bold, capital letters. “If you are one of the hundreds of parachuting enthusiasts who bought our Easy Sky Diving book, please make … read more.

The Better Angles of our Nature


To begin, a story:


A man was climbing a mountain on a foggy day, and no doubt because of the poor visibility, he strayed off the path, slipped, and started sliding and rolling toward the edge of a cliff. As he fell over, with an enormous … read more.

Homecoming Sunday

We had wonderful music this summer, but it is so nice to have the choir back, filling the sanctuary with their voices and those lyrics that help call us back into community.

Ubi Caritas…Where there is kindness and understanding toward others… where there is love…

“Deus ibi … read more.

Barriers to Love

Have you picked blackberries? Those sweet late summer fruits “hidden beneath leaves barbed like critics.” Sweetness that is guarded and protected. “Peril and abundance” whispered like a prayer through purple lips…

If you want the ripest fruit, you must reach in, despite those barbs. You must … read more.