Speaker: Rev. Bill Sinkford



In the Gospel of Luke, a lawyer…perhaps an immigration lawyer… a lawyer tempts Jesus by asking how he can “inherit eternal life.”

“What is written in the law?” Jesus responds.

And the lawyer gives the textbook answer from the Torah: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God … read more.

What Do You Want?


What gift do you really desire? Are there “things” at the top of your list? Maya Angelou writes: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never

forget how you made them feel.” What gift will you share in this season?

Long Time Coming


“Teenager Mary waited. She waited to know the meaning of her pregnancy. …

Troubled Joseph waited… and he knew not why, for it was clear what was expected of him.…”

I am quoting from Rev. Burton Carley’s reflection on this religious season…a piece called “Waiting.”

“Mary and Joseph … read more.

The “He” and “She” of it All


To say that we all, each of us, have inherent worth and dignity…to say that…is necessary but it is somehow not quite sufficient. To say that we are all children of God…it is not enough. Because we are a part, an embodiment, an expression of … read more.



Reading: You Do It When You Do It by Meg Barnhouse

Rev. Meg Barnhouse writes:

I’ve been in a serious writing slump. I haven’t been doing enough nothing—just sitting around reading or puttering in the yard. Those things free my mind to remember, to enjoy, to create. … read more.

To Love Mercy


What are you going to be? Halloween will soon be here. In my neighborhood, and perhaps in yours, a few houses have been decorated with ghosts and spider webs for some time now. Carved pumpkins adorn more and more doorsteps. Our Immigrant Justice group just … read more.

I Can. We Must.


“Stand by this faith…which has comforted us in sorrow, strengthened us for noble purpose and made the world beautiful. … There is nothing in all the world so important as to be loyal to this faith.”

With appropriate apologies for her ableist language [stand by this … read more.

Sadly in Need of Mending


Mercy, Mercy me.

This may well be the first time that a Motown hit has been sung as an anthem in this sanctuary.

Mercy, mercy me

Things ain’t what they used to be

Poison in the wind

Oil wasted on the seas

How much more abuse …

Can mother earth stand?

Motown artist, … read more.

Whoever You Are (Homecoming)


Come, come whoever you are.

There is no more Universalist message. And no more Unitarian Universalist statement of aspiration.

Whoever you are, whatever identities you claim…come.

Bring your imperfections and your failures. Bring your strengths and your dreams for a better world.

Ours is no caravan of despair. Come. … read more.

Questions and Answers


Do you have a question you have been wanting to ask? About Unitarian Universalism? About First Unitarian? About theology or our faith? Rev. Sinkford will respond to questions submitted by the congregation. Look for information about how to submit a question in advance or bring … read more.