Speaker: Rev. Bill Sinkford

It Depends


Let my love be heard whispering in your angel wings.
As grief once more mounts to heaven and sings…

Let my love be heard.

Knowing the truth of grief and loss…
Achingly aware of disappointment in ourselves
And in our world,
And yearning for a certainty that … read more.

Earth Day

According to tradition, on the night of the historical Buddha’s awakening, as he sat in deep meditation under the Bodhi tree, he was attacked by the tempter, Mara.

Seductive dancing women tried to distract him. And armies of phantom demons were sent to frighten him.

When … read more.

A Place Just Right

Tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free)
Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be
When we find ourselves in the place just right
Twill be in the valley of love and delight

This Shaker song is a … read more.

Deliver Us To Evil

The Lord is my shepherd, I have all I need…

Even though I walk through a dark and dreary land,

There is nothing that can shake me, She won’t forsake me.

I’m in her hand.

I love Bobby McFerrin’s version of the 23rd Psalm, especially in this week when … read more.

Good, Bad and Indifferent


You may remember the melody from that fabulous piano anthem Signe offered. The original version was on the Michael Jackson album, Thriller. The lyric of the song repeated this refrain: “Why? Why?… Tell ‘em its just human nature.” The composer was responding to a conversation … read more.

Answering the Call of Love


Anthem: Lift Every Voice and Sing

Sermon: Answering the Call of Love

“Stick to the paths of Love and Justice.
Your restless hearts will find me there.”

That sentiment from the Psalm is echoed in our anthem.

“Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met … read more.

To Hold With Care


“You ask me how to pray to someone who is not,” began our Responsive Reading this morning. And that is certainly one question that thinking about prayer can prompt. Is prayer begging a favor from someone or something, some power or force outside ourselves that … read more.

Speaking of Race


Traditional liberal religious wisdom has left us far from the Beloved Community. Dr. Robin DiAngelo, the major presenter at Seminary for a Day, will join Rev. Sinkford for a dialogue focused on what we need to learn and what we need to look at in … read more.