Speaker: Rev. Alison Miller

Covenant and Creativity

Where does your story begin? That was the question Ruby Sales, civil rights activist, social critic, and public theologian, asked those of us who were present at a gathering centered around faith, arts, and justice. She called on different people in the audience. People responded … read more.

Faith and Reproductive Freedom

Led by Rev. Alison Miller with Dana Buhl

and the new C.A.R.D. Team (Caring and Action for Reproductive Dignity)

Call to Worship

By Rev. Alison Miller  

Our sanctuary is a place for the indwelling and upswelling of love.

We gather for spiritual nourishment and fortification

To allow that love to … read more.

Let There Be…

“I have exalted humankind

With the vocation of creation.

I call humankind to the same norm.”

Here is one stanza of the greater works of Hildegard von Bingen, a twelfth century German abbess, expressing the divine word as she came to know it in her heart. She read … read more.

Gifts that Matter

Join us for our annual Christmas Eve celebration & candlelight service. In the midst of the busyness of this season, let us not lose sight of what matters the most. ‘Tis the season of awe and wonder. ‘Tis the season to recall the miracles born … read more.

Love Shines Through

The holiday of Hanukkah begins tonight at sundown, and it will last for eight days until Monday, December 26th. While the winter holidays share things in common there are also rich nuances that emerge as we learn about the multiple meanings of the holidays that … read more.

Encountering the Holy

It was a beautiful and lush summer day. I was living near the Queyras, in the Alps, a very ancient mountain range, with a small village perched higher than any other point in all of France. It was truly a perfect day amidst the peaks, … read more.

Rooted in Gratitude

When people ask what Unitarian Universalists mean when we say, “I’ll be there for you” as our choir just sang, one response is our covenant – the 7 principles and 6 sources. Plus, the 8th principle newly adopted by hundreds of UU communities, including our congregation. … read more.

Democracy Begins Next Door

Neighbors are not strangers, not friends, not family. They are the people who we include in the territory we consider to be ‘home.’ Not everyone in our building, or the blocks surrounding our tent, or rental, or house is a neighbor. When we think of … read more.

Breath of our Ancestors


Today, we welcome the great cloud of witnesses,

Our spiritual ancestors, the founders of our faith and our community, Those who broke new ground

Opening pathways for love and liberation.

Today, we welcome all our relations,

Including the spirits of our kin and kindred spirits gone before, … read more.

Rooted and Ready

My experience of the divine is a presence that moves through the hearts, minds, hands, and souls of human beings. It is that which is greater than all of us and yet present in each one of us. God is the love which transcends the … read more.