Speaker: Rev. Alison Miller

A Call to Commitment

A journalist assigned to the Jerusalem bureau locates and rents an apartment overlooking the Wailing Wall. After several weeks, the journalist realizes that whenever he looks out at the wall, he sees the same older Jewish man davening, praying vigorously, throughout the day.

The journalist wonders … read more.

Rising Tide


We gather today

On world water monitoring day

To awaken our minds, hearts, and spirits

To our connection to the waters

Which are a part of us and without which

We could not survive.

 We gather in this time

of fires and drought,

Of floods and storms,

To prepare ourselves

To side with … read more.

Rooted In Relationship


We are rooted in relationship.

You and me and we

Are woven together

And weaving still.

We are intertwined

With those who have gone before,

Those who are here,

And those who will come after.

We have freely chosen to be bound

To compassion,

To courage,

To creativity,

To inspiration,

To integrity,

                        To interdependence

To the whole … read more.

Holding the Door Open

We are moving across a threshold together and ushering in the beginning of a new shared ministry. What are the possibilities before us as we embark on this journey? May it be a partnership that is grounded in covenant and guided by love.

Called to Co-Create

Our communities were already in need of healing even before the pandemic arrived. May the challenges we have experienced, re-awaken us to the call to be courageous, creative, and compassionate builders of the beloved community.

Rev. Alison Miller is First Unitarian Portland’s Senior Minister Candidate.