Speaker: Danielle Garrett-Intern Minister

Sacred “Space”

As we kick off our summer theme of “Rest, Reflect, Renew,” we will spend some time exploring how we can resist our culture’s emphasis on urgency and productivity in order to create more spaciousness in our lives. How can we make room for rest, play, … read more.

Of Which We are a Part

The beauty of our seventh principle is the way in which it recognizes that we as humans are deeply embedded in the web of existence. We called to protect the earth and its precious resources, which includes each other. How can we ensure our work … read more.

What Does Solidarity Smell Like?

I was recently in an organizing meeting where the facilitator opened with an unexpected icebreaker question: “What does solidarity smell like?” When talking about concepts like justice, equity, or solidarity, it’s easy to remain in the realm of the abstract. How can we stay connected … read more.

Winter’s Revelations

Madeleine L’Engle once wrote that winter, with its bare branches, “reveals the structure of things.” As we look towards a new year, what can we learn from this season where so much is laid bare and the deep structure of things is revealed?

The Welcome Table

So many of our holiday gatherings and traditions take place around the table, an object that carries much symbolic meaning. The table represents a place to share food and find nourishment, a site for conversation and community building, and a place to make decisions. How … read more.