This Sunday’s service will be a collaboration between First Unitarian Portland and First Unitarian Rochester, NY. Rev. Sinkford and Rev. Halliday-Quan from Rochester will offer a sermon in dialogue, asking and answering questions about our faith. Some of the music will be done in partnership as well, by Rochester’s Music Director, Thom Snell. This is an experiment, bringing two “First Unitarian” churches that minister a continent apart together to explore our connection and share the blessings of worshipping together.

We know the history of First Unitarian Portland. Founded in 1867, the second Unitarian outpost in “the West.” Thomas Lamb Eliot the founding minister. Civic leadership from our inception. Commitment to music ministry. A liberal religious beacon of hope in Portland. Now served by a former UUA President.

First Unitarian Rochester has equally distinguished history. Founded in 1829 in upstate NY, which was then “the West.” A center of the women’s suffrage movement. Susan B. Anthony a longtime member. What we know as the Association of UU Music Ministries grew out of leadership at the Rochester Church. First Unitarian worships in an architecturally significant building designed by renowned architect, Louis Kahn. The congregation was served by the second President of the UUA, Rev. Robert West.
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