Patty Clement, M.A.

Our exciting and challenging responsibility as UUs is to find and define our own individual spiritual beliefs and path. As a spiritual director I provide companionship and support in this process. Spiritual direction provides a safe and welcoming space where you can explore and touch the deepest truth and wisdom inside. This deep center provides a compass for a life of meaning, and makes the unique gifts that you possess more accessible. Peace and joy emerge effortlessly from a more authentic and grounded life.

I provide deep listening from my heart, ask sensitive questions, share gentle observations, and encourage openness toward and recognition of the Spirit of Life in everyday actions. Some of the many questions we might consider together are:

  • what is spirituality and how does going deeper give meaning to your life,
  • how to bring more of your gifts to the world (and how to recognize them),
  • what nourishes you spiritually, and
  • where do you find a deep connection to your authentic self and to something greater?

It has been my great pleasure to provide spiritual direction to many Wellspring participants and others over the last ten years. I have facilitated many spiritually themed retreats, workshops and classes and help teach the Spiritual Director training program at the Urban Spirituality Center where I received my own training. I run a supervision group for other spiritual directors. A daily meditation practice keeps me grounded and spiritually growing. My life revolves around spirituality-my own and others.

A UU since childhood in the Chicago suburbs, I have been active at First Unitarian for 19 years. Some activities have included Wellspring as a participant in the first cohort and as a facilitator, the Buddhist meditation group, Friends of the Labyrinth, the Adult Programs committee, co-founder of the Contemplative Practice Group and teacher of many classes including Writing as a Spiritual Practice.

My Master’s degree is in community and organizational psychology. Spiritual direction is the most meaningful work I have ever done.

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