Our faith knows that “revelation is not sealed” & that there is more truth, wisdom, and peace for each of us to find on our journeys. We are always “works in progress.” We face new challenges daily and some old ones that could benefit from new perspectives. Our individual needs vary greatly. The breadth of offerings available at First Unitarian tries to speak to that variety, to the unique challenges and desires we bring to the church.

That breadth is a blessing, but it can also be a challenge. “How can I make connections in this large community?” “Where can I meet others who share my concerns?” “How can I find what I need at this point in my life?”

The following First Unitarian Portland groups meet regularly during our program year (approximately September through May). Many groups meet irregularly or take the summer months off, so if you are unsure about a particular group’s schedule, don’t hesitate to contact the individual listed.

Please Note: Contact the communications person listed for information on a specific group.

If you see that there is an update needed for a group, please contact Communications.

Advancing Racial Justice Action Group (ARJAG)

We provide special events and sponsor community events at the church.  These are announced in our e-newsletter, which includes other upcoming community events and reading/viewing recommendations. 

For more information, to sign up for the newsletter, or for answers to questions, contact the group. || Website

The Alliance 

The Alliance meets from September through May, usually on the first Wednesday of the month, for a luncheon, business meeting, and program. Visit the Alliance web page or get caught up with the Alliance Fellowship Newsletter. Questions? Email Alliance.

Antiracism Learning Circles

MEETING VIRTUALLY – Read books or listen to podcasts in this discussion-based cohort small group setting. For more information, contact Jody. || Website

Beloved Community of Color

MEETING VIRTUALLY – Congregants who identify as Black, Indigenous, Persons of Color, or Bi-Multiracial gather for monthly gatherings. Meets every fourth Thursday evening and second Saturday morning of the month.Email the group for more information.

Caregiver Support Group

MEETING VIRTUALLY – A monthly Caregivers Support Group meets virtually one Sunday per month, from 9:30 a.m to 10:45 a.m. September through May. We gather to provide support, inspiration, and information relevant to those caring for a loved one. 

Questions? Email facilitator Kathleen || Website || Click Here to Register

Children’s Mosaic Restoration Group

Questions? Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, 503-245-6087. More info is on the Children’s Mosaic at First Unitarian Portland Facebook page. 

Committee on Hunger & Homelessness (COHHO)

We meet monthly from September through May on the third Sunday from 1–2:30 p.m. through Zoom.

Questions? Email us. || Website

Community Circles

FULL – Our 2024 Community Circles will meet monthly (or twice a month) for a total of six sessions. The main purpose is for people to get to know each other and the wisdom in one another’s stories. Each session will be grounded in our annual theme of “Love is at the Center.” The sessions will include readings, practices, and spiritual questions that connect with the six values that stem from our annual theme: Generosity, Justice, Pluralism, Interdependence, Equity, and Transformation. There is no homework. Just bring yourself and a readiness to listen and to share. This is mainly a chance to meet with small groups and to nurture relationships.

Questions? Contact Rev. Alison Miller.

Community For Earth (CFE)

CFE members are guided by our 7th Principle, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.”  Our primary focus areas include climate justice, air quality, green sanctuary, and support for front-line communities.

Website || Contact Us Form Request

Contemplative Practice 

An open and eclectic group for those seeking to grow their spiritual practice. Each meeting has a theme, some media around that theme, discussion and a period of quiet meditation. Meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month, from 6:30-8:00 in the Channing Room.

Questions? Chris Kidwell || Website

Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG)

The Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG) educates and advocates on economic justice issues. Watch for our speaker, book, and movie events. Please stop by our table for the latest information on fair trade, health care, democracy, and inequality and its dimensions.

Questions? Michael Wade || Website

First Connections

Meets once a month on the third Sunday at 12:00 in the Daisy Bingham Rm just behind Fuller Hall for all new and returning folks! This is set up as a brown bag lunch. And, it is a terrific way to meet new folks that are just coming into the community.

Questions, please contact Pat.

Good Times Committee

Join fellow congregants for social gatherings, from ongoing Friday happy hours to hikes, from dinners to plays. Learn more and sign up with Good Times during Sunday’s social hour or contact Laura, lauragadley16@gmail.com, to get included in our Google groups emails. 

Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG)

Our focus is on making connections, education, and action on immigrant justice. Our meetings include time for reflection, sharing, and information about the many dimensions of the immigration challenge. We also share opportunities for engagement and collaboration with our partners in the community and develop strategies and arrangements for our participation.

IJAG hosts regular monthly events and meetings. For information about upcoming activities, please email ijag@firstunitarianportland.org

Questions? Contact us here. || Website


Find out the latest social events by subscribing to the church’s weekly e-newsletter for our upcoming events. Questions? Contact Alison.

Meditation Group

MEETING VIRTUALLY – This group is open to all mindfulness and Buddhist-based meditations and beginners. The format includes a thirty-five-minute meditation followed by a member-led discussion to increase understanding and integration of Buddhist principles into our daily livesQuestions? Want a Zoom link? Contact Robert Schroeder 

Mental Health Caregivers Group

MEETING VIRTUALLY – Living or being close to a person diagnosed with a mental illness can be challenging. Many people with this experience find that being part of a support network can be helpful. This safe, confidential group focuses on recovery, resiliency, resources, and support. First Unitarian Portland offers a group that NAMI-trained Lay Ministers facilitate. Newcomers are warmly welcome! Virtual meetings second Wednesday of each month, 7–8:30 p.m. Questions? Contact Ellen.

UU Men’s Community

MEETING VIRTUALLY – The UUMen’s Community is a welcoming group where men and non binary individuals can share life experiences, learn from one another, develop new friendships, support one another, honor men, remember family and friends, serve our communities and have fun. || More Info

Quilts of Love Group

Quilts of Love

1st and 3rd Monday meetings 10 to 1 in the undercroft of Eliot Chapel. 2nd and 4th Mondays on Zoom from 10:30 to 11:30a. 

This group creates quilts for families served by Path Home as they transition from the shelter to permanent housing.

Need the link? Questions? Contact Kathleen.

Peace Action Group (PAG)

The Peace Action Group has been operating for over 30 years and is devoted to doing all we can to foster peace within our region and internationally. Questions? Contact Tess || Website

Sacred Circles

Join Us in a Sacred Circle to Build Relationships, Study, and Act…

Join Us in a Sacred Circle to Build Relationships, Study, and Act…First Unitarian is working with longtime partner organization IMIRJ (Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice) in a new endeavor called Sacred Circles. We want to launch two Sacred Circles at First Unitarian. One will work within the Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG) and help direct its activities for the coming program year. The other will be formed from folks interested in various social justice issues — racial, environmental, immigrant, and economic justice — and will work together, looking at problems, studying, and advocating through that intersectional lens.

Interested? Please email communications.

Sojourners: Lollygagging Our Way To The Inevitable

Sojourners and Sojourners2 are two separate groups that meet for 2 hours, in-person at First Unitarian Members support each other through the aging journey by engaging in facilitated discussion and activities, sharing personal stories and concerns, inspiring individual growth and promoting friendship through social activities. All are welcome, but both groups are limited in size; no drop-ins please

Details? Contact Lucy

Social Justice Action Groups & Social Justice Programs

The Social Justice Program at First U PDX includes the committed involvement of 8 action groups. Each action group is engaged with the broader community on specific issues and provides avenues for members of the congregation to move spiritual beliefs to action. Our action groups offer education, opportunities for direct action, advocacy and service, and engagement with community partners.  We seek to recognize the intersections of our various justice efforts with the root causes of oppression and understand that no one is free until all of us are free.

Questions? Email us at SJProgram@firstunitarianportland.org.

Check out a list of the Action Groups here.

“T” Time: A Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender-Expansive, Exclusive Gathering

When: We meet on 2nd and 4th Sundays

Location: Channing Room (next to Eliot Chapel)

Join “T” Time, a gathering every second and fourth Sunday, exclusively for trans, nonbinary, 2Spirit, and gender-expansive members and friends! We will have a small selection of complimentary teas available. You do not need to be a member of First Unitarian or consider yourself a Unitarian Universalist to join us – come one, come all! No registration is required

Questions? Contact Morgan here.

UU Animal Ministry (UUAM)

Our Mission is to promote understanding and awareness of Animals as fellow Sentient Beings in line with the 7th UU Principle, and to provide Animal Advocacy Ministry, Education, and Support to our  Members and the Church Community as a whole.

Questions? Contact (503) 520-9012. More Info || Facebook || UUAM Website

UU Yarn Crafters

Second and fourth Thursdays each month, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.
Buchan Reception Hall. The Yarn Crafters are wanting to expand to include crocheters. Yarn provided. All levels welcome. 
Questions? Susan, 503-894-9945.

UUA Outreach Group

(ON HOLD) – Monthly on the last Wednesday at 7 p.m., usually in B310, but check the sign board when entering.
If your interest lies in the larger picture of UU ministry, join us! Questions? Contact Bill.


Each year, many members of our church participate in this amazing journey. Wellspring offers spiritual deepening within our Unitarian Universalist tradition, an opportunity for learning more about ourselves and our faith through a year-long small group experience. More Info

Women’s Circles

Making deep friendships and sharing life’s journey are precious parts of spiritual life. If you seek rewarding connections with other women at First Church, you might consider joining a Women’s Circle. 

I: First and third Mondays at 7 p.m. Questions? Email Tess, 503-257-2042.

II: Second and fourth Mondays at 7 p.m. Questions? Email Kim, 503-869-1486.

III: We meet on first and third Mondays 10–11:30 a.m. Email Dorothy for questions. (We are currently on pause from accepting new members.)

IV:  A multigenerational group focused on personal sharing and mutual support, Women’s Circle IV is open to new members curious to listen, share, and become a part of a close community. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Email Anne for questions. (We are currently on pause from accepting new members.)

More Info