Moderator’s Letter – Sept. 2020


Our church year has begun again with Homecoming Sunday. It was good to see so many of us in photos and to remember how important this community is.

Our community has held up remarkably well through this time of physical separation. “Attendance” at our virtual church services over the summer was far higher than our typical in-person attendance has been in years past. Many groups are meeting through Zoom and in socially distanced gatherings. Our Newcomers Classes have had participants from outside Oregon, and the Wellspring groups starting this fall will also have participants from across the country. Welcome to all of you who are joining the First Unitarian community.

We’re starting our annual fundraising early this year. Hopefully, all of you have received your packets for “Our Path Forward.” The ask is a little different this year. We know there is a range of circumstances across our congregation and that some families will have to reduce or eliminate their giving this year. If your circumstances and resources have not been impacted by the pandemic, we are asking you to consider increasing your gift to help make up for those families who are not able to give this year. Thank you for your continued support for the church and its ministry.

The board had a short break over the summer after hearing from the Real Estate Task Force on the work they did this year to understand the needs and possibilities we have in our buildings and property. Our next steps will be influenced by the church that is evolving and emerging as we adapt to the world we find ourselves in. The board convened again in August with the Executive Team (Bill, Tom, and Kathryn) to envision what we will be doing in the coming church year – a year like no other we have known. We will be engaging in the conversation on becoming an antiracist congregation and addressing policy questions such as the appropriate size of the board.

The first board meeting of the year was held September 3. The main topic was the review of the Evaluation of Ministry report prepared each year by the Board’s Governance Committee and the Church’s Senior Minister and Executive Team. This annual assessment reviews how we are carrying out our mission and complying with our governing policies. The evaluation focused on the three core elements of the mission statement of the church—creating community, spiritual deepening, and bringing our values to the larger community—and considered an unnamed but assumed mission element: perpetuating the church as an institution. You can read the full report by clicking here.

It’s time for us to think about and set new 5-year goals for the church. The board began that conversation in its retreat and we will be having conversations across the congregation this year to hear what you think about where the church is going. More information about how you can be involved will be coming out.

The board will continue meeting on Zoom until we can once again gather at the church. Board meetings are open to congregants to observe or to share comments. Look for the Zoom link in the agenda of our board packet.

You can always contact the board at


Mindy Clark
Moderator, Board of Trustees