As energy builds to “re-open” the nation, the question for First Unitarian is when we might imagine “re-opening” the church. When can we return to worshipping in the sanctuary? When can we open our campus for programming and rentals, for rites of passage and community events? When can we get back to “normal?”
Several weeks ago, we announced that Sunday worship would continue only on-line through the summer.
We have just made the difficult decision that we should not plan to return to the sanctuary for worship in the fall. First Unitarian will plan for on-line only worship through the next church year.
A number of factors were important in that decision:
Multnomah County has not even moved into Phase 1 of Governor Brown’s 3 Phase recovery plan. Phase 1 will allow gatherings of 25. Will we avoid a second wave of the virus and move into Phase 2 (which may allow gatherings of 100) by the fall? There is no guarantee, but that is the very best we can plan for.
Would we open the sanctuary to 90 congregants wearing masks, with 10 worship leaders? With no choir? No congregational singing? 4 of every 5 seats and two of every three rows taped off? Would reservations be required? A lottery? Would ushers police distancing?
Would we offer many worship services (6-8-10?) to accommodate us all, rushing to deep clean between them?
More important is the question of whether, until there is greater confidence in safety, we should gather in person? For a congregation (like most) with many members in vulnerable categories, would it be responsible to invite that risk?
And if we did return to the sanctuary, even following the recommendations for distancing, etc., would we come? Would you come?
Don’t we have a duty of care that places the safety of those we invite in as a central value? And a duty of care to those who would be harmed if our sanctuary became a source of spread of the virus?
Some of you will have seen UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray’s statement last week that the UUA is recommending congregations plan for on-line only worship through June, 2021. We will not be alone in remaining out of our sanctuary.
First Unitarian has been better positioned than most congregations to deal with the pandemic. We have been live streaming worship for years. We are equipped to use video and project images. The quartet of “Praise Singers” and improved audio equipment adds satisfying music to our on-line worship. Our attendance (with 750-1200 devices signed on) has been greater than our in-person attendance…by a good margin.
The decision to plan for on-line worship allows us to focus on doing that well and look for ways to deepen the experience of community we can offer on-line. We know that we have work to do in our Music Program, in our Family Ministry, in Faith Development and in Social Justice to find ways to live out and support our faith while we remain at a distance. Give the leaders of those programs some time, but then look for information about new opportunities in our church.
Many questions remain. Will we open our campus, or parts of our campus, to small groups, deep cleaning after each use? What about our contract with Northwest Academy, the school that rents much of our campus during the week? Will any schools be open in the fall? The staff and Board leadership are beginning to consider the many questions that still remain.
I am certain that the plan to stay on-line only through next year is a good one. It is conceivable that we will feel comfortable returning to the sanctuary earlier. Perhaps a vaccine will be approved and distributed widely by the winter. We can adjust if that happens. But until there is more safety, we will continue to hold each other close “at a distance.”