Letter from the Editors

Letter in a green envelope

We are happy to announce the reboot of Speaking of Justice: Faith in Action blog. Prior to the pandemic, Speaking of Justice was a periodic e-magazine. Once our church community switched to virtual gathering, we had a Speaking of Justice weekly update as a means to communicate calls to action and activities of our social justice action groups at First Unitarian Church. We’ve rebranded and repackaged!

Going forward, we will be communicating by way of our blog Speaking of Justice: Faith in Action. You’ll be able to find current action items and upcoming events in the weekly Front Steps email sent out to congregants, and there will be a permanent link that will take you to the Speaking of Justice page on the church website. There, you’ll find in-depth articles, our curated collection of art and poetry focused on social justice themes, the occasional voting guide, and more!

To stay up to date on how you can put your faith into action for justice, please be sure to subscribe to the Front Steps

-The Speaking of Justice Editorial Team

Dana Buhl, Director of Social Justice

Nikki Beezley, Program Assistant of Social Justice





