Letter from the Board – December 2024

Greetings from your Board of Trustees. I’m new to the Board, joining after three years
as an active participant in the congregation.

As the end of 2024 approaches, I see signs all around me of the strong religious community that is the core of our church, including big events such as the Halloween party with over 100 adults and children, a packed Fuller Hall for Souper Sunday, or the full house that rededicated Eliot Chapel on its 100th birthday. Just as important are the small groups that bring us together, such as those joining on Zoom in the Antiracism Learning Circles, the children’s Learning Community classes, or dinners and concerts in member homes at auction events. All of these gatherings build bonds of care and friendship among us.

I hope you’ll be able to attend some of the events ahead at First Unitarian, as we approach the winter solstice and celebrate the coming holidays – see details in the Front Steps each week.

Meanwhile your board is at work continuing to build an organizational structure that supports our community. We’ll be holding several Board forums in the year ahead to share information and to hear from our congregants. In addition, the Board committees of Finance, Governance, and Communications are adding congregant members to better engage our membership. As we work, we review our practices to align with our 8th Principle – an ongoing process of development.

You may have noticed that we’re in the final stages of our annual pledge drive, Join the Journey of Generosity. Your pledge at this time allows us to plan for our future programs and activities. If you’re ready to pledge, you can do so at this link. If you have already pledged, we thank you for your generosity.

We wish you happy holidays in the weeks ahead.

Harriet Shaklee, Board member