Thanks for checking out the First Unitarian Learning Community. We are delighted to welcome families of all kinds and configurations to join us for active play, creative learning, identity growth, community building, and spirit deepening in Unitarian Universalist (UU) community. Together we worship, attend religious education (RE) classes, do service projects, and enjoy multigenerational events. We value families, children, and youth here. Our goal is to support the beautiful and challenging work of parents and caregivers by weaving our young ones into the fabric of church life. 

Children of any age are always welcome in the service, and we offer nursery and toddler care each week. Our classes for children and youth from preschool through 12th grade usually happen during worship. They explore Unitarian Universalist values and themes like friendship, justice, ritual, world religions, self-expression, art, history, science, adventure, and more. Plus we have a lot of fun! 

What’s happening this week? Click here to read our latest e-news.

Once you’ve attended a few times, register children and youth with this form.

So, explore our website. Send me an email. Swing by on Sunday morning—no RSVP required. Just stop by the Buchan welcome desk for a visitor card and directions to your classroom.

It is good to be together, and that includes you.

With care,

Rev. Leah Ongiri
Acting Director of Lifespan Faith Formation & Family Ministries

First Unitarian’s Learning Community Mission Statement

As a multigenerational community, we covenant to:
→ create experiences of welcome, safety, caring, and relationship
→ encourage lifelong spiritual growth 
→ foster Unitarian Universalist identity and connection to the larger UU movement  
→ support young people in a complex world that needs their energy and passion
→ center love by developing ethics and values that promote justice