During July, while Rev. Sinkford takes a summer break, look to this weekly update for ways that our congregation is responding and how you can engage in our justice work.
This piece is featured in our Speaking of Justice: Weekly Update 7/23/2020
Waking this morning, after the 55th day of protest of police brutality, demanding the defunding and reallocation of our community’s tax money to care for our people, I sit in gratitude.
Aaron Campbell. Kendra James. Deonte J. Keller. Keaton Otis. Quanice “Moose” Hayes. Patrick Kimmons. André Gladen. Matthew Burroughs. Jason Washington. May they each rest in power. May their families know that the heart-crushing, spirit-bending fight for Justice for their loved ones is the root of the transformation we demand. Though their Black lives did not matter to the armed agents of the City, the University, the State, their lives are the taproot for a Portland movement for justice.
Thank you…
to the brave and loving families.
Thank you…
to all of the Black and Indigenous Queer and Trans people, youth, parents, uncles, aunties and grandparents, who continue to organize and speak their truth about the oppressive state structures of colonization, racism and the delusion of white supremacy. You guide the way.
Thank you…
to First Unitarian’s Police Accountability Team for the deep analysis and advocacy to transform policing as we know it. Thank you as well to the Immigrant Justice Action Group who shines a spotlight on the destruction of families and communities at the hands of the same militarized federal law enforcement, including Border Patrol, occupying Portland streets during these protests.
Thank you…
to each of you who has protested and witnessed night after night at these demonstrations, boldly placing your bodies in harm’s way to demand change to the fundamentally racist and militarized police.
Thank you…
to each of you who sacrifices sleep to help protect our beloveds on the front line with your watchful, guiding presence.
Thank you…
to the jail support teams greeting people released from jail in the night and wee hours of the morning.
Thank you…