Board Meeting
The Board of Trustees meets on the first Thursday of each month, 7 - 9 p.m. Meetings are open to congregants. Join us in Buchan Reception Hall (B101), or click here to join on Zoom.
The Board of Trustees meets on the first Thursday of each month, 7 - 9 p.m. Meetings are open to congregants. Join us in Buchan Reception Hall (B101), or click here to join on Zoom.
First Thursdays in Channing (A101) Third Thursdays in Buchan Reception (B101) The Contemplative Practices Group is returning! Join with us on the first and third Thursdays of the month from 1 to 2:30 p.m. to sit together in silence. Connect to your inner self as well as something bigger than yourself. Bring more peace … Continue reading Contemplative Practices Group
Our Lay Ministers will offer inspirational readings, guided meditation, and quiet music in a contemplative program at week’s end. Congregants and visitors are invited to bring their prayer requests to be held during the service. They are received in real-time through the Zoom chat box, seen, and read aloud anonymously by the hosts. This is … Continue reading Vespers
Join us for free, delicious pancakes in Buchan Reception Hall from 8:45 to 10 a.m. on the first Sunday of the month. We will have plain, blueberry, chocolate, and blueberry-chocolate pancakes fresh off the griddle. All are welcome! Hosted by the UU Men’s Community.
This year, as we explore the church theme “Join the Journey,” we will have monthly opportunities to deepen our spiritual practices and focus on our inner journeys through the Labyrinth. The Labyrinth will be set up in Fuller Hall on the first Sunday of most months from 9:30 a.m. to noon. We’re always looking for … Continue reading 🌀 Labyrinth
In-person Sanctuary 1211 SW Main St. Portland, OR 97205 Join us on livestream here
The Learning Community, also referred to as R.E. (Religious Education), meets at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings. On the first Sunday of the month, children and youth start out in the main Sanctuary for our monthly “Together Time” before moving on to their classrooms in our Eliot Center/Buchan Building, right next door to our Sanctuary … Continue reading Children and Youth Learning Community: Together Time
This specific class is limited to 15 people. Please RSVP to Jen Thomas to join. First Steps Orientation and Campus Tour is a welcoming monthly event held on the first Sunday, designed for new and returning members of First Unitarian Portland (First U PDX). This session offers an overview of the church’s history, core values, … Continue reading First Steps Orientation and Campus Tour **Registration Required**
The teachings of Loving Kindness, or Metta, are about finding a path with heart. Jack Kornfield says, “It’s about undertaking a path that transforms and touches us in the center of our being. To do so is to find a way of practice that allows us to live in the world wholly and fully from … Continue reading Loving Kindness Meditation
On any given night in the United States, more than 650,000 people experience homelessness. West Coast states, including Oregon, are among the most significantly affected. Why? And what are we doing locally to help more of our neighbors find pathways home? Speaker: Ryan Deibert, Interim Director of Multnomah County's Homelessness Response System. To join us for the … Continue reading The Alliance Presents “Homelessness in Portland: Upstream Causes, Downstream Effects, and Finding the Pathways Home”
This group is open to all mindfulness and Buddhist-based meditations and beginners. We meet Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30. The format includes a thirty-five-minute meditation followed by a member-led discussion to increase understanding and integration of Buddhist principles into our daily lives. Questions? Want a Zoom link? Contact Robert.
Our Lay Ministers will offer inspirational readings, guided meditation, and quiet music in a contemplative program at week’s end. Congregants and visitors are invited to bring their prayer requests to be held during the service. They are received in real-time through the Zoom chat box, seen, and read aloud anonymously by the hosts. This is … Continue reading Vespers
In-person Sanctuary 1211 SW Main St. Portland, OR 97205 Join us on livestream here
Join the community of parents at First Unitarian and share stories, wisdom, and explore spiritual reflection. These circles are great for long-time families and newcomers alike to build community with … Continue reading Drop-In Parenting Circle
Join us for an interactive and informative session led by a member of our Governing Board and Jen Thomas. During this orientation, you will: Learn about First U PDX’s governance structure. … Continue reading Membership Orientation Series: Governance
With the rise of Christian Nationalism in the US and abroad, overt antisemitism is resurging to fuel these movements. We've seen violent attacks on Jews in recent years, including the murder of congregants worshipping at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh and right-wing marchers carrying tiki-torches and yelling anti-Jewish slogans. Antisemitism is real and … Continue reading **Registration Required** Countering Antisemitism in Our Movements
The teachings of Loving Kindness, or Metta, are about finding a path with heart. Jack Kornfield says, “It’s about undertaking a path that transforms and touches us in the center … Continue reading Loving Kindness Meditation
The Board Finance Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month, 5 – 6:30 p.m. Meetings are open to congregants. Click here to join on Zoom.
The Board Communications Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Meetings are open to congregants. Click here to join on Zoom.
This group is open to all mindfulness and Buddhist-based meditations and beginners. We meet Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30. The format includes a thirty-five-minute meditation followed by a member-led … Continue reading Wednesday Night Meditation