Endings and Beginnings – Rev. Thomas Disrud

It is already June 1, and that means that the end of the church program year is almost here. This has been a full and challenging year in all kinds of ways on the local and the global level. Most of you know that Rev. Bill Sinkford has been serving since early April as one of the interim co-presidents of the Unitarian Universalist Association in Boston. That above-and-beyond service will end June 30 when a new president of the UUA is elected. Even with Bill’s attention focused on the UUA, the life and ministry of First Unitarian continues. As we look to the end of the year I want to update you on some news in the life of our community and talk about some of what will be coming up this summer and next fall.

Katie Radditz Retiring

Katie Radditz, who has served as our director of adult programs since 2003, has announced that she will retire at the end of this month. Katie is looking forward to having more time with family, especially her grandson and a second grandchild on the way. Katie came on staff as our Buchan Building project was taking shape and she was charged with building a program that would welcome the community into our church facilities. That program has taken shape over these years. In particular I’d hold up the Buddhist presence Katie has brought to the church with meditation classes and retreats. And through her work with the adult program committee the wonderful team of teachers and facilitators that offer classes and retreats.

We will celebrate Katie’s work here at the church as part of Community Sunday, on June 11. There will be a reception in her honor following the service. Thank you Katie for all you have brought to this community.
T. J. FitzGerald will serve as Summer Minister

T.J. has served well as our intern minister this year and he will be here as summer minister in July and August. That means T.J. will be the main preacher in the summer as well as tending to the pastoral life of the congregation.
Adult Program Guide June 11

Things slow down some in the summer at the church but there will be plenty going on. On June 11, pick up a program guide that will list the classes and retreats that will be offered over the summer.

Monthly Grief Group starting June 18

Beginning this month there will be a monthly grief group that will meet at the church. It will be on the third Sunday of the month and over the summer will meet after the morning worship service. It is open to members and friends who are dealing with grief of some kind. The group will offer a space to be with and to find support from others who are living with grief. The group will be facilitated by Michael Cowan, a member and a retired minister, as well as by some of our lay ministers. If you’d like to know more about the group or have questions, contact Michael at michaeljcowan@gmail.com.

Sing in our Summer Pick-up Choir

Beginning June 25, and continuing through the summer, you’ll have a chance to sing in a pick-up choir for that morning service. A few guest conductors will lead the choir. It will meet on Sunday morning at 8:30 and the choir will learn music for that morning. If you’ve been wanting to join a choir but just haven’t had the time, this might be the opportunity for you.

May you find what you need this summer—here at church, in the great outdoors, in travel farther afield, in the company of a good book. Have a good summer good people.

In faith,
