Welcome! We’re glad you want to explore our community of faith.

Our Sanctuary and Family services are held virtually and in person each Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Pacific Time.    

Our Sanctuary worship service is both traditional and celebrative and lasts approximately one hour. People wear everything from “Sunday best” to casual attire to our services; please wear what makes you most comfortable for worship. The service includes readings from a variety of inspirational sources, hymns, a thought-provoking sermon, prayer and meditation, and time for sharing congregational joys and concerns. On most Sundays, one of our choirs supports the service with special pieces of music from a variety of styles and traditions. Our fine pianist and organist and occasionally one of our handbell choirs provide additional music.

Hear what Unitarian Universalism means to a wide variety of individuals who share their stories in Voices of a Liberal Faith (a short, engaging video produced by the Unitarian Universalist Association).

As you enter the lobby, look for our Welcome Desk. A friendly host will be there to greet you and answer questions. You may make a visitor name tag, sign our guest register, and pick up literature about church programs and activities.

Learning Community classes for children and youth are offered at the same time.  On the first Sunday of each month (and now and then an additional Sunday), children and youth join us in the Sanctuary at the beginning of the service for Together Time before going to classes in the Buchan Building just next door. On other Sundays, they go directly to classes. Learn more: Learning Community.

Social Hour/Coffee Hour

A Social Hour (or Coffee Hour as it is frequently called by congregants) follows the Sunday morning worship service and is held in Fuller Hall (directly below the Sanctuary) except on the first Sunday of the month when it’s held in the Buchan Reception Hall (in our “Learning Community” wing).

First Connections Table

Be sure to visit our First Connections Table in Fuller Hall on most Sundays where friendly hosts will greet you and answer questions about First Unitarian. The first Sunday of the month, we enjoy coffee hour in the Buchan Building, and we will have a table there. In addition to coffee (coffee, sugar, milk and some teas now being served are organically grown), you’ll find a changing art exhibit featuring Portland-area artists, and a bookstore with an excellent selection of titles. Also, information tables for many of our adult activities ring the room, including those for our very active social justice groups and the Good Times program. Program representatives will be happy to share their enthusiasm and information, and answer questions.

How to Find Us

We’re located in downtown Portland, just a few blocks west of the Portland Art Museum. Click here for Directions.

  • The Sanctuary: 1211 SW Main St., Portland, OR 97205
  • Eliot Chapel: 1011 SW 12th Ave., Portland, OR 97205
  • Office: 1034 SW 13th Ave., Portland, OR 97205

The primary entrance to the Sanctuary and/or to Fuller Hall is via doors on the corner of SW Main at 12th.  A short stairway (inside) leads up to the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary building, however, is fully accessible from street level via the single door on SW 12th about halfway up the block. An elevator located just inside will take you up to the Sanctuary level, or down to Fuller Hall.

Eliot Chapel faces SW 12th Ave., at the corner of Salmon. A short set of steps lead from the sidewalk to the Chapel front doors. However, full accessibility to Eliot Chapel is available by going down the brick walkway to the left of the building, then entering the right-side door, and proceeding forward to the indoor Chapel entrance on Eliot Hallway.

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Snow? Ice? Service Cancellations
To learn if an event, class, or rehearsal has been canceled due to weather, go to the First Unitarian website, and check the “Highlights” window (top center of the home page) where closures will be posted. Or, call the First Unitarian office after 4 p.m. and listen to the voice message (503-228-6389). Closure decisions are made by 3:45 p.m., and the voice message will provide updates. Decisions to cancel Sunday services or to reduce the number of services are made by 7 a.m. on Sunday morning. If time permits, we will try to send a special e-postcard regarding cancellations to everyone who regularly receives the e-news. Your good judgment is your best guide.