Our Mission

The First Unitarian Portland Good Times Program helps make the Church a warm and welcoming community by facilitating fun, inclusive events.

Please come to the Good Times table in Fuller Hall to sign up for activity details or to get added to the e-mail lists.

Contact the committee chair Laura Gadley at 847-525-8700 with further questions or e-mail at LauraGadley16@gmail.com

Social Activities Past and Future


Meets every Friday from 5-7pm at pubs in the Portland Metro area. Check in at the Good Times table for current listing. Coordinator: Paula Raines, psrmelody@comcast.net

Book Group

The book group meets every 3rd Tuesday starting at 7:00 pm at First Unitarian

Movie Group

UU members and friends meet once a month on Sunday afternoon in member’s homes from 4-6:30 to discuss a few chosen current films in theater and/or streaming.

Contact Christine for more info and to get in the group email list.

UU Brew Group

Meets first Tuesdays of each month, 7:00 pm. April we are meeting at Cascade Brewing Barrel House, 939 SE Belmont Street. No need to sign up.  Coordinator: Darin Stewart, 971-269-8285,darinlstewart@gmail.com.  Visit our Facebook page for more information: www.facebook.com/UUBrew

Circle Suppers

Circle suppers are a tradition in many UU churches. They are a way to get to know others in the church by sharing in a “potluck” activity in someone’s home. Stop by the table in Fuller Hall to learn more or to sign-up to host or attend a supper.


Meets last Saturday of the month at 7:00 pm.  Beginners welcome. Please RSVP to Fern Momyer,  reymomfern@hotmail.com,  503-239-3384.



When we moved to Portland we found the Good Times table a great source for fun events and connecting to the community.

– Bill and Ellie Kirkham

Most everyone we know at First Church, we met through the Good Times. We greatly appreciate these friendships.

– Cindy and Jay Beeks

I have met many wonderful people through the wide variety of inclusive activities. I want to help people become involved in the church. I support Good Times by coordinating the staffing at the Good Times table.

– Jaime Smith

At first I was overwhelmed by the size of the church. Good Times was small enough for me to begin to make new friends.

– Elizabeth Britt

Visit the Good Times table for information about attending or organizing an event.