Arts & Crafts and Gardening

The Art Wall
The Art Wall’s mission is to integrate art into the spiritual life of the First Unitarian Portland by providing a venue for congregants to see quality artwork from artists within the church and throughout the metro region.
Would you like to have your artwork considered for a show on the UU Art Wall, or to join the committee? Check out our page for more information.

Children’s Mosaic Restoration Group
Questions? Contact Leslie P.K. at 503-245-6087. More info is on the Children’s Mosaic at First Unitarian Portland Facebook page.

Gardening Crew
We welcome all gardeners of all skill levels—good humor and persistence a must! We meet once or twice a month—depending on the season—to spruce up and maintain the plantings around the multiple buildings in our block-square church campus. Our sessions are two hours, generally on a Saturday morning. We try to watch the weather and re-schedule as needed so calendar dates are subject to change. The best way to stay apprised is to join our mailing list and read the e-mails that are sent out for work dates. To join, contact Laurie L.

Quilts of Love
1st and 3rd Monday meetings 10 to 1 in the undercroft of Eliot Chapel. 2nd and 4th Mondays on Zoom from 10:30 to 11:30a.
This group creates quilts for families served by Path Home as they transition from the shelter to permanent housing.
Need the link? Questions? Contact Kathleen V.

Yarn Crafters
Second and fourth Thursdays each month, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Buchan Reception Hall. The Yarn Crafters are wanting to expand to include crocheters. Yarn provided. All levels welcome.
Questions? Contact Susan at 503-894-9945.