Affinity & Support Groups

BIPOC Affinity Group
We are hoping to restart this group. If you are interested in joining or facilitating, please contact Jen Thomas to learn more.

Caregiver Support Group
MEETING VIRTUALLY – A monthly Caregivers Support Group meets virtually on the 4th Sunday of the month, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. year-round. We gather to provide support, inspiration, and information relevant to those caring for a loved one.
Questions? Email facilitator Kathleen V. || Website || Click Here to Register

We are hoping to restart this group. If you are interested in joining or facilitating, please contact Jen Thomas to learn more.

Mental Health Caregivers Group
MEETING VIRTUALLY – Living or being close to a person diagnosed with a mental illness can be challenging. Many people with this experience find that being part of a support network can be helpful. This safe, confidential group focuses on recovery, resiliency, resources, and support. First Unitarian Portland offers a group that NAMI-trained Lay Ministers facilitate. Newcomers are warmly welcome! Virtual meetings second Wednesday of each month, 7–8:30 p.m. Questions? Contact Ellen Z.

UU Men’s Community
MEETING VIRTUALLY – The UUMen’s Community is a welcoming group where men and nonbinary individuals can share life experiences, learn from one another, develop new friendships, support one another, honor men, remember family and friends, serve our communities, and have fun. || More Info

Parenting Community Circle
Join the community of parents at First Unitarian and share stories, wisdom, and explore spiritual reflection. These circles are great for long-time families and newcomers alike to build community with those who share a parenting journey. Meets every 2nd Sunday of most months from October to May. Lunch and childcare provided.
For more info, check out the flyer.

Sojourners: Lollygagging Our Way to the Inevitable
Sojourners and Sojourners2 are two separate groups that meet for 2 hours, in-person at First Unitarian Members support each other through the aging journey by engaging in facilitated discussion and activities, sharing personal stories and concerns, inspiring individual growth, and promoting friendship through social activities. All are welcome, but both groups are limited in size; no drop-ins please.
Details? Contact Lucy G.

“T” Time: A Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender-Expansive, Exclusive Gathering
When: We meet on 2nd and 4th Sundays
Location: Channing Room (next to Eliot Chapel)
A group for anyone that identifies along the transgender spectrum. There are no requirements for medical transition status or gender presentation to attend. People who are questioning their gender and parents of trans kids (and their kids, too!) are welcome. We meet on the second and fourth Sundays in Channing Room, shortly after the service until around 1:00 PM. Questions? Email Aileen M.

Women’s Circles
Making deep friendships and sharing life’s journey are precious parts of spiritual life. If you seek rewarding connections with other women at First Unitarian, you might consider joining a Women’s Circle.
- I: First and third Mondays at 7 p.m. Questions? Email Tess B.
- II: Second and fourth Mondays at 7 p.m. Questions? Email Kim S.
- III: We meet on first and third Mondays 10–11:30 a.m. Email Dorothy for questions. (Currently on pause from accepting new members.)
- IV: A multigenerational group focused on personal sharing and mutual support, Women’s Circle IV is open to new members curious to listen, share, and become a part of a close community. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Email Anne M. for questions. (Currently on pause from accepting new members.)