Category: Uncategorized

Calling All Card-Making Artists

Our congregants enjoy purchasing hand-made cards from our congregant-artists.  Would you consider donating some of your cards to the bookstore to support our church?  You can bring them by the bookstore any Sunday – we will welcome any quantity you wish to give. Your cards … read more.

Big Farms Make Big Flu – with author Rob Wallace

Big Farms Make Big Flu – Dispatches On Infectious Disease, Agribusiness, And The Nature of Science

In BIG FARMS MAKE BIG FLU, a collection of dispatches by turns harrowing and thought-provoking, Wallace tracks the ways influenza and other pathogens emerge from an agriculture controlled by multinational … read more.

Three Finalists for Music Director Postion

Dear Friends and Members of First Unitarian Portland,

Your Music Transition Committee has been hard work, and we are very pleased to provide you with this exciting update, summarizing our process, presenting our 3 finalists and outlining next steps.

Our process: Beginning last May, we advertised and … read more.

September: Joanie Krug

My series of paintings in this exhibit, entitled “Reflections on Falling Up,” owe their inspiration to the title and spirit of the Shel Silverstein’s poem, “Falling Up.” This body of work, completed over the past two years, explores implicit thought and emotion in explicit imagery … read more.