Category: Uncategorized

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Music & Worship
Monthly Theme: Creation
Sermon Topic: Renaissance Within
Choir: Unitarian Choir


Missa: Puer Natus Est Nobis
Music: Thomas Tallis
Text: Traditional


Puer natus est nobis, et filius datus est nobis:
cuius imperium super humerum eius:
et vocabitur nomen eius, magni consilii Angelus

Cantate Domino canticum novum:
… read more.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Monthly Theme: Creation
Sermon Topic: “Sanctuary”
Choir: Chamber Choir


Locus Iste
Music: Anton Bruckner
Text: Traditional

This place was made by God,
a priceless sacrament;
it is without reproach.


Locus Iste
Music: Kevin Memley
Text: Traditional

This place was made by God,
a priceless sacrament;
it is … read more.

Work for Justice

Quarter-Time Program Manager Position Now Open

Washington UU Voices for Justice (Voices) and Northwest UU Justice Network (NWuuJN) seek an energetic, committed manager to lead the evolution of these two organizations into one new, more effective, more inclusive state action network for UUs engaged in justice … read more.

Q Center Portland

For the month of November, as we raise up, remember, and celebrate the lives of transgender individuals of all identities, we share our plate offerings with Q Center. Located in North Portland, Q Center provides a safe space to support and celebrate LGBTQ diversity, equity, … read more.

November Moderator’s Letter

Greetings Fellow Congregants,

The energy in the Church this fall has been wonderful.  And we have some great news.  As I write this, we are near 90% of our Annual Fund Drive (AFD) goal.  We are far ahead of where we were last year at this … read more.

Family Forward Oregon

This month we share our offering with Family Forward Oregon. Family Forward’s mission is to ensure more women and families are economically secure—with a particular focus on public education around the issues that prevent economic security, particularly for women.  Family Forward provides education on … read more.

Muslim Educational Trust

We share our July plate offering with the Muslim Educational Trust (MET).  MET was founded with the dream of helping to help create an open, empowering, and collaborative atmosphere within the Muslim community in the greater Portland area. MET’s educational programs for Muslims and non-Muslims … read more.

Clay Street Table

We share our plate during this month of June with Clay Street Table.  Their meals program and food pantry have become a major source of food for those experiencing poverty and homelessness in our southwest neighborhood of downtown Portland.

The roots of this program date … read more.