Category: Staying Connected Blog

Join the Journey: “Get Proximate”

Bryan Stevenson, a widely acclaimed public interest lawyer has dedicated his career to helping the poor, the incarcerated, and the condemned. He urges us to “get proximate” in order to change ourselves and change our systems. In a TED Talk, he says:

When we … read more.

A Basket for the Journey

Last Sunday as we kicked-off the new year and our annual spiritual theme, “Join the Journey!” At the end of the sermon, we introduced the metaphor of the baskets filled with nourishment that we carry with us as we travel the peaks and valleys of … read more.

A Prayer for Homecoming

Welcome to a new year at First Unitarian Portland! We are so looking forward to hosting you in person and online for Homecoming, including a community breakfast (pancakes served from 9am – 10am), multigenerational worship at 10:15am, and our Learning Community Open House following the … read more.

Summer is a Time of Renewal

Occasionally, we’ll get a phone call or an email asking if we’re open in the summer. Yes, not only are we open every Sunday in the year, but the summer is also a special time for the work of reflection, percolating, and imagination.

I think the … read more.

Healing Communication

We are in a time of healing from conflict as well as a hopeful time of renewal in our staff and in our music ministry, and these dynamics ripple out into the wider community. Our whole congregation is touched by these important groups and by … read more.

Music Ministry Transition Team

As we announced from the pulpit, our Music Ministry Transition Team held our first meeting last Sunday, July 7 to begin to reflect on our music ministry and how it serves children, youth, and adults of all ages in the choir community and in the … read more.