Category: Staying Connected Blog

We All Need a Little Help Sometimes

Did you know that we have lay ministers in our church? Earlier this month our Alliance invited some lay ministers to talk about the program and how it tries to support congregants in need. As I write today it felt like that would be some … read more.

For Others, for Others

A photo of pink water lilies in a pond. It reminds me of a Buddhist metaphor for the heart that can hold both compassion and wisdom.

This past weekend, I had the privilege of attending a meditation retreat at Great Vow Zen Monastery with a guest … read more.

Groundhog Day in time of Covid

It is Groundhog Day when I write, which is usually not a day that I pay a lot of attention to. The ritual of watching the groundhog and figuring out whether it sees its shadow has always been a little confusing to me, if I’m … read more.

Is It Endemic Yet?

I am finding my own relationship with Covid shifting. Perhaps you are, too.

The first year or so felt like a time to hunker down and wait for Covid to pass. Fear was what I felt most…and a kind of suspension of time.

Then as vaccines became … read more.

All That We Carry

Sometimes, in group meetings, we have a check-in where we ask each other “What are you carrying with you? Is there anything you are setting aside to be present with us?”

Sometimes, I’m ready to be vulnerable, and choose to share quite openly about a few … read more.

Lost in Time

This week we are beginning work on the calendar for next church year—from fall of 2022 to summer of 2023. You may or may not know that the planning for the church year happens this far in advance. It begins with drafts about who will … read more.

At the End of the Year

Dear Beloveds,

As we approach the end of 2021, and look to a new year, I’m noting the range of emotions in me: relief (that we made it through); some dread and maybe even fear (how many variants will 2022 bring, how much longer will this … read more.

Blooming Where We Are Planted

A few days after Thanksgiving, thinking about Christmas coming up, I decided to buy some paper white bulbs, hoping that I could get them to bloom. I found a container that was the right size and found some pebbles to anchor the six bulbs. I … read more.