Category: Staying Connected Blog

I’m With Her

In 1992 former Senator Edward Kennedy and Coretta Scott King both wrote letters opposing the nomination of Jeff Sessions to the federal bench. This Tuesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren was allowed to read Kennedy’s letter of opposition as she argued against the nomination of Jeff Sessions … read more.

A Special Season

The winter holidays are a special season at First Unitarian. We celebrate both the value of the long dark of winter and the return of the light as the earth begins its turn toward spring. Join us for a special Music & Worship service this … read more.

The Coming of Hope

The liturgical season of Advent began last Sunday. It is a time of anticipation, of waiting for the birth of a child that the Christian traditions know as a savior. It is also a time of preparation of hearts and minds to receive the Good … read more.

When Hope Gets Cancelled

Dear friends,

I am writing on Tuesday in this Thanksgiving week. We have just sent out an e-notice of the cancellation of the mayor’s March for Hope. It was a shock to my system to see that cancellation. It felt almost like a decision to walk … read more.

Deliver Us to Evil

“This is the day we have been given. Let us rejoice in even this day…”

When I offered the benediction last Sunday I changed my usual words to acknowledge the simple truth that it is probably harder for most of us to get to gratitude this … read more.

What Now?

What now? The results of Tuesday’s election surprised all the progressive pundits and liberal pollsters. Not all of us, but most of us were stunned, unprepared and fearful about what may be in store. How could so many of us been so wrong?

I was prepared … read more.

A Source of Hope

We are busy preparing the church for Celebration Sunday. The images of the steeple of Eliot Chapel on which we wrote about the importance of First Unitarian in our lives are being hung in the sanctuary. The choirs are ready to lift our spirits. Tables … read more.

Social Justice Transition

Last Sunday, we celebrated Kate Lore’s ministry and released Kate from her ministerial call at First Unitarian. The service was powerful as Kate offered her “heartfelt farewell” and we remembered some of the high points of our justice ministry. Kate leaves a social justice program … read more.

Conjuring “The Good”

I am writing from Washington, DC where I am taking part in a board meeting of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC). It is good to be part of this national religious effort to support reproductive health, choice and justice. It is a blessing … read more.


The campers who were making our block their home have moved on. To be more specific, they were “moved on.” The city finally began enforcing the ordinance that prevents camping within 1000 feet of any school. There are many schools in our immediate vicinity, including … read more.