Category: Staying Connected Blog

How’s the Water?

Rev. Sinkford’s Blog …

David Foster Wallace began a commencement address at Kenyon College several years ago with this story:

“There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, ‘Morning, … read more.

Guest Blogger – Rev. Tom Disrud

The mission of First Unitarian Church calls us to promote “lifelong spiritual growth.” That happens in a lot of ways in what we do, I hope. But one way in particular is through the Wellspring program, which we’ve been offering for about five years. Wellspring … read more.

Guest Blogger, Rev. Thomas Disrud

I expect most of you have heard the news that Rev. Bill Sinkford has answered the call to be the interim president of the Unitarian Universalist Association from now until the end of June. A new president will be elected when the General Assembly meets … read more.

Last Week Was a Tough Week


Rev. Sinkford’s blog …

As some of you know, last Thursday UUA President, Peter Morales resigned amid controversy surrounding staff hiring and racial diversity. His decision followed reaction to a recent hire in which a white male minister was chosen over a Latina. It was the … read more.

The Problem With Resurrection

Our spiritual theme for April is “Resurrection.” This comes as little surprise to most of us. We will celebrate the Easter holiday in just weeks. If the long established pattern holds, attendance on Easter Sunday will be larger than any other Sunday morning during the … read more.

Answered Prayers


“Wow.” “Expansive.” “Heart Opening.” “Holy.”

These are a few of the words that were used to describe the process of holding each other in prayer that we began during last week’s service. I want to thank all of you who took the time to write and … read more.

The Great Mosque of Cordoba


Visiting southern Spain was a dream of mine for many years. I was drawn to the history of peaceful, or at least non-lethal, co-existence of Muslims, Jews and Christians in the 700 years before 1492. There is real controversy today about how that period should … read more.

Devotion and the Self

“Devotion” is our spiritual theme for March, and there are few words as challenging for religious liberals. Our view of truth is contingent, our understanding of justice is always evolving, and even our theology is a work in process. Devotion seems to call for complete … read more.

Congregational Life Intiative

Rev. Bill Sinkford is away at a gathering of the Senior Ministers of large UU congregations this week and he invited me to write about what we are calling the Congregational Life Initiative. –Tom Disrud, Associate Minister

Do you remember when you first came to First … read more.