Category: Staying Connected Blog

Presence, Not Absence

I am writing from Chicago where I am attending the 175 Anniversary celebration for Meadville/Lombard Theological School, one of only two Unitarian Universalist seminaries preparing ministers to serve our faith.

This is the first formal introduction of a new President for Meadville, Dr. Elias Ortega-Aponte. During … read more.

Black Mamas Matter

“Reproductive justice asserts that all people have the
right to bodily autonomy, to have a child (or not have a child), to parent that
child with dignity in safe and sustainable communities, and to determine their
own reproductive and birthing experiences.”

Black Mamas Matter Alliance

This is not a … read more.

Grounded in Love

I made a mistake this morning. Just up, wondering whether our political system would lurch another step closer to some final melt-down, I turned cable news on. As I watched, I found myself sucked into that world of posturing and lies, that world in which … read more.

Making Memories

I am fond of telling stories about how children who grow up in the First Unitarian community remember highlights from their younger years here. I have loved hearing from adults, some my age and older, who still speak about their roles in our Christmas Pageant … read more.

Almost Biblical

“Almost Biblical.” That is how one staff member at the church described this week. Between the flood in our own Buchan building and the fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, that description had me nodding my head in agreement.

In this week when the … read more.

We Would Be One

I always get the words wrong. The hymn “We Would Be One” is a favorite of mine and of many of us:

We would be one as now we join in singing
Our hymn of love to pledge ourselves anew…

My problem is that I learned different lyrics, … read more.

A Fragile Faith

This is the season when preachers and teachers in religious communities search within themselves and in the world to justify hope. The renewal in the earth around us stands in stark contrast to the failures in human community, also around us. Human failures are now … read more.

Opportunity vs Equality

Opportunity rather than
equality has shaped the American vision of Beloved Community, at least the
dominant vision. Equality as a goal, in fact, has been broadly embraced only as
equality of opportunity.

The conversation about reparations, which I introduced again… read more.

Sing Out Her Name

The Gospel of Mark, the earliest in the Christian tradition,
begins with the adult Jesus seeking baptism. The earliest Gospel begins with
his yearning for cleansing and the hope of new life that John the Baptist
promised. It was a very human yearning, I think, that drew Jesus … read more.

Another Learning Opportunity

A number of congregants have spoken or written to me about the UU WORLD article on transgender issues that I discussed in my sermon last Sunday. Some expressed thanks that we are dealing with this controversy in an open and direct way. You have heard … read more.